I took this contents page from the music magazine 'Drummer'.
It takes alot of similarities from the front cover such as, the big masthead, similar colour scheme, one large graphic and then various other smaller graphics around the edges. However there are alot more cover lines listed and each of them has become much more detailed and they now also have page numbers adjacient to them so you can navigate yourself through the magazine simply. Although they are more detailed, this will just give you an idea of the story and will not take too much room or time to read. There are also page numbers with the images so if you are interested in what the image displays you can look into it in more detail without searching through the magaizne for it.
I'm really pleased with your work so far Tom, well done. Time is starting to run out now though and you only have one week left to finish your designs and write an evaluation. You might need to speed up for the final week.